Saturday, May 2, 2009

Softening and Untangling the Thinking

Two dreams in over the past two nights about Rauan Klassnik and I can't remember any of the details. Frustrating.

One dream I do remember from this morning is swimming underwater playing some kind of fish game, where once the fish get enough to eat I draw a line around them and get points for catching them. Except I wasn't doing very well. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn't catching the fish. They hadn't eaten enough.

Then I found some hair products and heard my dad's voice tell me it was good that I found them.

This reminds me of a dream back in February where Rauan put conditioner in my hair.

So what is conditioning my thinking?

Rauan Klassnik is not important to my thinking.

Hah, hah, that's an old joke from an old blog from many years ago.

I dream of fish A LOT.

I'm reminded of another dream from June 2008 where an uncle (someone I'd classify as a "fool") told me that if I ever wanted to learn how to feed the fish, to just ask him.

Yesterday I wrote that I wanted to approach life as a novice, a beginner, in another term, a fool -- and here this dream shows I don't know how yet, I don't know how to feed the fish, but I find the conditioner and maybe that's a start.

Now where is Rauan to give me that scalp massage?

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